Stories have always been with us. They are a fundamental form of communication and the oldest way of passing  on knowledge. We learn from stories the value of truth, friendship,  sincerity. Storytelling is  part of a human tradition, a wonderful form of cultivating wisdom. Listening to a tantalizing story ignites our imagination, evokes emotions, opens up curiosity. The phrase “Once upon a time, in a land far far away” is an invitation to the world of magic, adventure, and mystery to all the children around the world.  

Adults could be  enchanted  by a story too. Why? Because storytelling is innate in our lives. Stories  engage our mind and body, they make us enter a  world different from  our own. We connect with the characters, go through their joys and pains, identify with their  experiences. Real-life stories showing human endeavor, defeat or success  inspire us to change our perception of life.

A  captivating story takes us on a journey, enables us to take part in a new experience. We immerse ourselves in its events and identify with the characters. We are part of the plot, our emotions come to life. That is why stories are so memorable. As opposed  to facts and information presented  in a dry and boring manner, a story with a powerful narrative not only create an emotional  experience but their message stays with us for a long time.  That is why  a story with a powerful narrative creates a unique learning  experience.   

The teachers involved in the project  want to popularize this  art form in our school. We hope that our  presentations below made by the project participants will show  how powerful and meaningful stories can be for both listeners and tellers. 





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